نتائج ذات صلة
numeric (adj.) , [ more numeric ; most numeric ]
numeric hypertrophy {hyperplasia}, {med.}
تَضَخُّمٌ عَدَدِيٌّ {فَرْطُ التَّنَسُّج}، {طب}
numeric expression (n.) , {comp.}
تعبير رقمي {كمبيوتر}
to picture (v.) , {in the mind}
to picture (v.) , {in the mind}
to picture (v.) , {in the mind}
to picture (v.) , {in the mind}
to picture (v.) , {in the mind}
to picture (v.) , {arts}
picture (n.) , {arts}
picture-in-picture (n.) , {comp.}
to picture (v.) , {in the mind}
to picture (v.) , {in the mind}
picture (n.) , [pl. pictures]
picture (n.) , [pl. pictures] , {arts}
picture (n.) , [pl. pictures]