lament [pl. laments]
lament [pl. laments] , {ation}
lament [pl. laments] , {ation}
lament [pl. laments] , {ation}
lament [pl. laments] , {ing}
lament [pl. laments]
lament [pl. laments]
lament [pl. laments] , {hist.}
مرثاة {تاريخ}
lament {ation}
lament {feelings & emotions}
lament {feelings & emotions}
lament {hist.}
نَدْب {تاريخ}
to lament
تحسر {على}
to lament [ lamented ; lamented ]
to lament [ lamented ; lamented ]
to lament {feelings & emotions}, [ lamented ; lamented ]
to lament [ lamented ; lamented ]
to lament [ lamented ; lamented ]
to lament {feelings & emotions}
to lament {feelings & emotions}
to lament
رثا {المَيْتَ}