compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible ]
compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible]
compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible]
compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible]
compatible {relations}
compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible]
compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible]
compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible]
compatible [ more compatible ; most compatible]
compatible {relations}, [ more compatible ; most compatible]
نتائج ذات صلة
متوافق خلفيا {كمبيوتر}
نظام تلفزيوني مناغم {إرسال تلفزيوني ملون يمكن التقاطه بالأجهزة العادية (بالأسود والأبيض)}، {تلفزيون}
computer compatible tape {C.C.T.}, {area}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}
ائتلف {مَع}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}