حكم {في}
to authorize [ authorized ; authorized ] , {law}
أجاز {قانون}
to authorize [ authorized ; authorized ]
وكل {فُلاَناً بِـ}
to authorize [ authorized ; authorized ]
to authorize {to}, [ authorized ; authorized ]
سمح {لِـ أو بِـ}
to authorize {to}, [ authorized ; authorized ]
to authorize [ authorized ; authorized ]
to authorize {to}, [ authorized ; authorized ]
to authorize [ authorized ; authorized ]
to authorize [ authorized ; authorized ]
to authorize {law}
أباح {قانون}
to authorize {to}
أناط {بِـ}
سلط {على}
نتائج ذات صلة
نتائج مشابهة
authorized {econ.}