katabolism {biol.}
هدم {أحياء}
destruction [pl. destructions]
subversion [pl. subversions]
undoing [pl. undoings]
to demolish [ demolished ; demolished ]
to destroy [ destroyed ; destroyed ] , {pol.}
هدم {سياسة}
to level {to the ground}
to raze [ razed ; razed ] , {Civ. Eng.}
هدم {هندسة مدنية}
to overthrow [ overthrew ; overthrown ]
to bulldoze [ bulldozed ; bulldozed ]
to dilapidate [ dilapidated ; dilapidated ]
to subvert [ subverted ; subverted ] , {pol.}
هدم {سياسة}
to crush {ing}
to sabotage {pol.}
هَدَمَ {سياسة}
to sap