thundering [ more thundering ; most thundering]
نتائج ذات صلة
jumbo (n.) , [pl. jumbos]
cyclopean (adj.) , [ more Cyclopean ; most Cyclopean ]
to be big (v.)
massive (adj.) , [ more massive ; most massive]
to be large (v.)
exuberant (adj.) , [ more exuberant ; most exuberant]
to be bulky (v.)
colossal (adj.) , [ more colossal ; most colossal]
to be sizable (v.)
gargantuan (adj.) , [ more gargantuan ; most gargantuan]
giant (adj.) , [ more giant ; most giant]
astronomic (adj.) , [ more astronomic ; most astronomic ]
fat (adj.)
to make big (v.)
bulk (n.) , [pl. bulks]
bruiser (n.) , [pl. bruisers]
kingsize (adj.)
goodly (adj.) , [ goodlier ; goodliest]