نتائج ذات صلة
to be of the opinion (v.) , {that}
ذهب إلى كذا {في المَسْألَةِ}
to be believe (v.) , {that}
ذهب إلى كذا {في المَسْألَةِ}
to be think (v.) , {that}
ذهب إلى كذا {في المَسْألَةِ}
to be hold the view (v.) , {that}
ذهب إلى كذا {في المَسْألَةِ}
victim (n.) , [pl. victims] , {to, of}, {relig.}
ضحية {دين}
immolation (n.) , [pl. immolations]
sacrifice (n.) , [pl. sacrifices] , {relig.}
ضحية {دين}
to victimize (v.) , [ victimized ; victimized ]
underdog (n.) , [pl. underdogs]
fatality (n.) , [pl. fatalities]
martyr (n.) , [pl. martyrs]