back {ant.}
دبر {تشريح}
behind {ant.}
دُبُر {تشريح}
rear [pl. rears]
backside {s}, {ant.}
دبر {تشريح}
buttocks {ant.}
دُبُر {تشريح}
bum {ant.}
دُبُر {تشريح}
buttock {ant.}
دُبْر {تشريح}
rump {zool.}
دُبُر {عالم الحيوان}
to contrive [ contrived ; contrived ]
to administer [ administered ; administered ]
to manage [ managed ; managed ]
to wield [ wielded ; wielded ]
to arrange [ arranged ; arranged ]
to brew [ brewed ; brewed ]
to cogitate [ cogitated ; cogitated ]
to concoct [ concocted ; concocted ]
to procure [ procured ; procured ]
to secure [ secured ; secured ]
to engineer {econ.}
دبر {اقتصاد}
to end