automotive (adj.) , {arch.}
نتائج ذات صلة
roadsters (n.) , [sing. a roadster]
Autos (n.) , {comp.}
السيارات {كمبيوتر}
Automotive (n.) , {comp.}
السيارات {كمبيوتر}
motorcars (n.) , [sing. motorcar]
mechanic (n.) , [pl. mechanics]
park (n.) , [pl. parks]
motor-car works {Auto.}
مصنع سيارات {سيارات}
motor race {Auto.}
سباق سيارات {سيارات}
to motorize (v.) , [ motorized ; motorized ]
convertibles (n.) , [sing. a convertible]
cabs (n.) , [sing. a cab]
rally (n.) , [pl. rallies] , {sport}
carloads (n.) , [sing. a carload]
fleet of cars {Auto.}
motor school {Auto.}
motor show {motor car exhibtion}, {Auto.}
معرض سيارات {سيارات}
motor show {motor car exhibtion}, {Auto.}
motor train {Auto.}
motor-car owner {Auto.}
مالك سيارات {سيارات}