to disenfranchise (v.) , [ disenfranchised ; disenfranchised ]
نتائج ذات صلة
to disfranchise (v.) , [ disfranchised ; disfranchised ] , {pol.}
to foreclose (v.)
to inviolable (v.)
to sacrosanct (v.)
to holy (v.)
to enjoin (v.)
to embargo (v.) , {econ.}
حَرَّمَ {اقتصاد}
to inhibit (v.)
to outlaw (v.)
anathema (n.) , [pl. anathemas]
harem (n.) , [pl. harems]
sanctuary (n.) , [pl. sanctuaries] , {relig.}
حرم {دين}
sanctum (n.) , [pl. sanctums] , {relig.}
حرم {دين}
spouse (n.) , [pl. spouses]
wife (n.) , [pl. wives]
to ban (v.) , [ banned ; banned ]
to debar (v.) , [ debarred ; debarred ]
to deny (v.) , [ denied ; denied ]
to geld (v.) , [ gelded ; gelded ]
to refuse (v.) , {to grant}, [ refused ; refused ]