to complain {feelings & emotions}, [ complained ; complained ]
to squeal {relations}
to repine {feelings & emotions}, [ repined ; repined ]
to gripe {feelings & emotions}
to grumble {feelings & emotions}
to grouse {feelings & emotions}
to fret {feelings & emotions}
to lodge a complaint {raise, make}
to express one's discontent {grief, pain, etc.}
to suffer {from}
querulousness [pl. querulousnesses]
نتائج ذات صلة
نتائج مشابهة
shaping {comp.}
تشكيل {كمبيوتر}
team (n.) , {comp.}
تَشْكِيل {كمبيوتر}
Zuhair {Person.}
تشكيل {أسم شخص}
collection (n.) , [pl. collections] , {comp.}
تشكيل {كمبيوتر}
constituting {comp.}
تشكيل {كمبيوتر}