judicious [ more judicious ; most judicious]
sagacious [ more sagacious ; most sagacious]
نتائج ذات صلة
to be believe (v.) , {that}
to be think (v.) , {that}
to be hold the view (v.) , {that}
to be of the opinion (v.) , {that}
consignor (n.) , [pl. consignors] , {econ.}
أصيل {اقتصاد}
purebred (adj.) , [pl. purebreds]
evening (n.) , [pl. evenings]
original (adj.) , [ more original ; most original]
noble (adj.) , [ nobler/more noble ; noblest/most noble]
innate (adj.)
sincere (adj.)
twilight (n.) , [pl. twilights]