  • But then as you begin to get further and furhter back towards what would be the origin point in a conventional real time picture you'd find that the nature of time changes, that the imaginary component becomes more and more prominent, and in the end, what ought be a singular point in the classical theory just gets smoothed away s'estompe and you have this beautiful picture, this bowls, where the creation of the Universe is pictured, as where we are now in a smooth sort of bowl past where there's no initial point, just a sort of smooth shape.
    وعند الرجوع للوراء اكثر واكثر تجاه نقطة الاصل طبقاً لصورة الوقت الحقيقى التقليدية سنكتشف ان طبيعة الزمن تتغير
  • But then as you begin to get further and further back towards what would be the origin point in a conventional real time picture you'd find that the nature of time changes, that the imaginary component becomes more and more prominent, and in the end, what ought be a singular point in the classical theory just gets smoothed away and you have this beautiful picture, this bowl, where the creation of the Universe is pictured, as where we are now in a smooth sort of bowl past where there's no initial point, just a sort of smooth shape.
    وعند الرجوع للوراء اكثر واكثر تجاه نقطة الاصل طبقاً لصورة الوقت الحقيقى التقليدية سنكتشف ان طبيعة الزمن تتغير