  • Building a culture of prevention entails a cross- sectoral, multi-dimensional approach integrating participatory analysis of risk, implementation of programmes, and development of policy and legal frameworks with all stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, and local, national and international government, in a gendered and comprehensive process that takes gender into account; Effective peace -building requires due attention to clear and understandable legal and regulatory frameworks, effective and impartial land and property administration, a functional interface between local government and its citizens in a dialogue that builds trust and commitment (with capacity-- building where essential), a common vision, and coordination of international actors; Understanding that crises,, and conflicts, in particular, conflicts, virtually always creates displacement, implementation of sustainable strategies integrating rights- based approaches to shelter, tenure, and protection of the most vulnerable, are required need implementation in the earliestat the earliest stages.
    (ج) ويحتاج بناء السلم الفعال إيلاء الاعتبار الواجب إلى الأطر القانونية والتنظيمية المفهومة والواضحة، وإلى الإدارة الفعالة وغير المنحازة للأراضي والأملاك، وتجاوب وظيفي بين الحكومة المحلية ومواطنيها في حوار يبني الثقة والالتزام (مع بناء القدرات حيثما يكون ذلك أساسياً)، ورؤية مشتركة وتنسيق للجهات الفاعلة الدولية؛