to weigh {weights & measures}
  • Weighing consequences.
    لا يقدر العواقب
  • Weigh anchor!
    أرفعوا المرساة!
  • Weigh oars !
    !زِن المجاديف
  • Weigh oars!
    ارفعوا المجاديف-
  • Weigh this.
    زن هذا
  • Weigh anchor!
    ارفعوا المرساة!
  • I weigh--
    أنا أزن--
  • Weigh anchor.
    زِنْ مرساةً.
  • Weigh anchor.
    ارفعوا الهلب
  • Weigh anchor.
    ارفعوا المرساة
  • find the weight for;balance in the hands to guess the weight of;take a definite weight of;distribute in exact amounts by weight;be equal to