  • Choices ...
    ,, الأختيارات
  • Choices, choices, choices.
    اوه... اختار...اختار
  • It's your choice. Choice.
    إنه خيارك
  • Oh, choices, choices.
    اوه... اختار...اختار
  • - Good choice. - Good choice...
    اختيار جيد- اختيار جيد-
  • - No choice? No choice?
    لا خيار؟ لا خيار؟
  • Pro-choice, pro-choice.
    مؤيد للاجهاض مؤيد للاجهاض
  • - One choice. - One choice?
    .خيار وحيد - واحد فحسب؟ -
  • - A choice? - A choice.
    خيار؟ - .خيار -
  • Choices, Gary. Choices.
    الاختيارات يا غارى انها الاختيارات
  • act of choosing,variety from which to choose,right or possibility of choosing,or the thing or person chosen