les exemples
  • The transaction log shall act as the central reference database for authentication information; Non-repudiation: there should be a single full and final record of all actions such that those actions cannot be disputed or repudiated; Integrity: data exchanged between registry systems shall not be modifiable by any party not involved in the transaction; Auditability: a full audit trail shall be maintained for each message and message sequence to document all processes, actions and messages and the date and time at which they occurred.
    (ز) التكفل بقيام سجل الاقتناء بإنهاء عملية أشعر سجل المعاملات بوجود تباين فيها ولم ينهها سجل التحويل؛
  • The transaction log shall act as the central reference database for authentication information; Non-repudiation: there should be a single full and final record of all actions such that those actions cannot be disputed or repudiated; Integrity: data exchanged between registry systems shall not be modifiable by any party not involved in the transaction; Auditability: a full audit trail shall be maintained for each message and message sequence to document all processes, actions and messages and the date and time at which they occurred.
    (ب) التوثيق: تكون نظم السجلات المتصلة محددة وقابلة للتحديد بصورة فريدة ومأمونة.