les exemples
  • He has a right to know.
    .لديه الحقّ لمعْرِفة
  • He has a right to know.
    ماذا؟ يحق له أن يعرف
  • - What?He has a right to know.
    أظن أنه يمكنني أن أتحمله
  • He has a right to be mad.
    . . . ماذا أفعل ؟! .. هل
  • He has a right to be.
    لديه كل الحق خلال الحرب
  • He has a right to know.
    له الحق ان يعرف
  • He has a right to know.
    .. له الحق بأن يعرف
  • He has a right to answers.
    لديه الحق في الإجابة
  • Maybe he has a right to know. No judgement.
    ربما لديه الحق في المعرفة لا أنتقدك
  • -Don't listen to-- -He has a right to know!
    ... لا تصغِ إلى - !له الحق بالمعرفة -