les exemples
  • All my neighbors heard it happen, so they quickly left their microwaved burritos... and their expensive jars of moisturizer... and their racy pay-per-view movies... and they hurried outside, excited to see what all the ruckus was about.
    "كلّ جيراني سمعوا ما حدث" لذا بسرعة تركوا شطائرهم" ". . المسخنة بالميكروويف ". . وجرار مرطباتهم الثمينة"
  • Well, you should be very excited... because outsider art couldn't be hotter.
    يا إلهي - أهلاً - هومر) هذا إختبار جديد لقياس الدهون في الجسد)