Ammon {ancient nation in present-day Jordan}
ejemplos de texto
  • 53,000 pounds of ammonal high explosive.
    ثلاثة وخمسون ألف رطل من الأمونيا عالية الأنفجار
  • AMMON: I advise against this, sire.
    ، نصيحتي ضد ذلك يامولاي . لا يمكن الوثوق به
  • Now let's be patient for a moment. My name is Ammon.
    الان كن صبورا للحظة. اسمى امون.
  • Now let's be patient for a moment. My name is Ammon.
    الان كن صبورا للحظة. اسمى امون
  • Alexander asks that we now formally proclaim him a god, son of Zeus Ammon.
    ان الاسكندر يطالبنا الان باعلانه كاله- وكابن لزيوس-
  • We've undermined the whole of the Messines Ridge, nearly a million pounds of ammonal.
    لقد قمنا بتفجير حافة (ميسينز) بأكملها تقريباً , مليون رطل من الأمونيا
  • In the thirteenth century B.C., it was called Rabbath Ammon or Rabat Amon by the Ammonites.
    فقد عُرفت عمّان في القرن الثالث عشر قبل الميلاد باسم رباط عمّون نسبة إلى العمّونيين.
  • Or is his blood no longer good enough, Zeus, Ammon is it ?
    أم أن دمه لم يعد يصلح زوس ؛أمون )أليس كذلك)
  • 2.5 The court relied on prosecution evidence regarding an explosive substance discovered in the author's apartment, which was identified by the authorities as 73.5 grams of ammonal.
    2-5 وقد اعتمدت المحكمة على أدلة الادعاء المتعلقة بمادة متفجرة وُجدت في شقة صاحب البلاغ، وتبيَّن للسلطات أنها 73.5 غراماً من مادة الآمونال.
  • Electric detonators Pyrotechnic detonators Detonating cords Lead azide Mercuric fulminate Lead styphnate Tetrazene Nitroglycerine Nitroamide Pentaerythritol pentanitrate (PENTN) Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (TETRIL) Trinitrophenol (Pyric acid) Ammonium picrate (Explosive D) Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (Halite) Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine (HMX) Mixture of TNT, ammonium nitrate and aluminium dust (Ammonal) Mixture of TNT and ammonium nitrate (Amatol) Mixture of PETN and TNT (Pentolite) Mixture of TNT and ammonium picrate (Picrate) Mixture of TNT and fuel oil (Ednatol) Mixture of RDX and TNT (Composition B) Mixture of RDX, TNT and aluminium dust (Torpex) Mixture of RDX and a stabilizer (Composition A-3) Mixture of RDX, polyisobutylene, 2-ethylhexyl sebacate and motor oil (Composition C-4) Mixture of RDX or PETN, nitrocellulose, plastifiers and organic solvents (Plastic explosives) Dynamite or mixtures of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerine, nitrogenized salts and other additives, in cartridges, and used for demolition and mining work Mixture of ammonium nitrate and diesel oil (ANFO) Explosive emulsions or mixtures of ammonium nitrate, nitrogenized salts, other additives and water, used in demolition and mining work, for direct use by spillage or explosion in holes excavated in rocky outcrops.
    خليط آر. دي. إكس وتي. إن. تي (المركب باء)