ejemplos de texto
  • Stop staring blankly and go.
    توقفي عن النظر بدهشة واذهبي
  • She stared at me blankly.
    .حدّقت بي بفراغ
  • I'm gonna sit there and stare blankly.
    .إذًا فقطْ سأجلس هنا, وأحدّقْ
  • Tell a person thatyou´re the Metatron and they stare atyou blankly.
    أخبرى أى شخص تريه أننى الميتاترون وهو سينظر إليك ببلاهة
  • She looks at us blankly as we all stare at her.
    فسألت "هل كان الطفلان مريضين؟".
  • You only got to say she was blankly? You want to be human ...
    لم تقولي إلا شيئاً بسيطاً؟ ،تريدين أن تكوني من البشر
  • All right, let's just go to different rooms and stare blankly out the window, saying nothing. == sync, corrected by elderman ==
    دعونا نذهب لغرف مختلفة ونحدق إلى النافذة ونقول لا شيء == ShaDow_1480 ==
  • I should've slept on it, or at least stared blankly. If I hadn't thought of a nickname, all our lives might've been spared.
    (الدليل الأول ، "(إتشي في السفينة البخارية" ، بتاريخ 1928
  • Well, now it's time for the best kind of bonding-- sitting next to each other in silence, staring blankly at the TV. ♪ They fight and fight, they fight and fight and fight ♪ ♪ Fight-fight-fight, fight-fight-fight! ♪
    إذن ، إنه الآن أفضل .. وقت لنقضيه معاً الجلوس جنباً لجنب بصمت محدقين في التلفاز
  • look im not involed in the family business that's you to get it in michael maybe blankly isn't the family and whatever is up to now i can garantee it's no good it's the cook okay you always has been you always will be he just destroyed our family why can't you see that why you still be stupid still now here we go im not a kid anymore 4 years later and nothing's changed up to you stupid hair cut carlo jason play num
    أهذه سيارة عمى ، مايكل؟ لست متورطا فى أعمال العائلة اذا كنت تتطلع الى ذلك مايكل ربما بصراحة ليست العائلة