ejemplos de texto
  • Personalized diagnosis for incoming pupils and redefinition of cognitive maps in relation to individuals' specific experience and their family backgrounds and environment; Additional educational pathways external to schools (integrated school/training experience); Additional educational pathways external to schools (extracurricular experience, workshop activities, incentives for canteens, transport); Personalized counselling to provide guidance with education and training decisions and facilitate entry into active life, integrated school/training; Wide use of various forms of work experience; Awareness-raising and involvement of families in school life; Introduction of training credits; Development of support infrastructure.
    - توفير خدمات استشارية مكيفة بحسب أوضاع التلاميذ لتوفير التوجيه للمساعدة في اتخاذ القرارات في مجال التعليم والتدريب وتيسير الدخول في الحياة العملية، والتحصيل الدراسي/ التدريب المتكامل؛