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Ripped at the seamsمزّقَ الرواْبطَ
No buttons, no seams.لا أزرار
Are my seams straight?هل أبدو منمقة؟
Look at the seam.ألقي نظرة بداخل هذا الشق
They'll find another seam.هم سيجدون منجم آخر
There's a seam opening!هناك خياطة قد انفتحت
There's a seam..يوجد شق
That seam there.هنا بالتحديد
A ripped seam..." تمزق بنسيج القماش "
A ripped seam."...حاشية ممزّقة"
A seam is a surface irregularity that results from a crack, a heavy cluster of nonmetallic inclusions, a deep lap, or a defect in the ingot surface that has become oxidized and is prevented from welding shut during rolling or forging.