A foreigner may only be deported under the terms of a decree of the Minister of the Interior and after the matter has been reviewed by a committee responsible for deportations comprising the Deputy Minister of the Interior, the directors of the Department of Islamic Law and the Department of Law of the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs at the Council of State, as well as the directors of the Department of Public Security, Immigration and Passports and the consular section abroad.
ولا يتم ذلك إلا بقرار من وزير الداخلية بعد عرض الأمر على لجنة الإبعاد المشكلة من وكيل وزارة الداخلية ورئيسي إدارتي الفتوى والتشريع لوزارتي الداخلية والخارجية بمجلس الدولة ومديري مصلحتي الأمن العام والهجرة والجوازات والإدارة القنصلية بالخارجية.