the ascending node: 105 degrees
الصعود المستقيم للعقدة الصاعدة: 105 درجات
longitude of the ascending node
خط طول العقدة الصاعدة
Information furnished in conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space Letter dated 27 September 2000 from the Legal Adviser of the European Space Agency to the Secretary-General In conformity with the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space,* to which the European Space Agency has acceded, the European Space Agency has the honour to transmit information on the launching of its XMM and Cluster satellites (see annex). Annex Registration of objects launched into outer space* Name of space object: XMM Name of launching authority: ESA Designator: ESA/99/1 Date of launch: 10 December 1999 Location of launch site: Kourou (French Guiana) Orbital parameters: Apogee height: 114,000 kilometres Perigee height: 7,000 kilometers Inclination: 40.0 degrees Period: 2,872 minutes Argument of perigee: 50 degrees RA of the ascending node: 261 degrees Position on the geostationary orbit (deg E): Not applicable General description of the space object: The main scientific goal of the XMM mission (consisting of 1 satellite called Newton) is to perform X-ray spectroscopy. Frequency plan: Earth-space: 2048.85417 MHz (TC/TR) Space-Earth: 2225.00000 MHz (TM/TR) State of jurisdiction: … Other information: … Name of space object: Cluster II Name of launching authority: ESA Designator: ESA/00/1-4 Date of launch: 9 August 2000 Location of launch site: Baikonur Orbital parameters: Apogee height: 125,010 kilometres Perigee height: 25,513 kilometers Inclination: 90.0 degrees Period: 3,300 minutes Argument of perigee: 344 degrees RA of the ascending node: 256 degrees Position on the geostationary orbit (deg E): Not applicable General description of the space object: The Cluster II mission consists of 4 satellites (named Rumba, Tango, Salsa and Samba) flying in a close configuration (“cluster”). Their scientific goal is to explore, amongst other subjects, the solar wind and its influence on climatic effects on Earth. Frequency plan: Earth-space: 2070.95417 MHz (TC/TR) 2077.40000 MHz (TC/TR) 2090.29167 MHz (TC/TR) 2096.73750 MHz (TC/TR) Space-Earth: 2249.05000 MHz (TM/TR) 2256.00000 MHz (TM/TR) 2270.00000 MHz (TM/TR) 2277.00000 MHz (TM/TR) State of jurisdiction: … Other information: … * General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex, of 12 November 1974.
لجنة استخدام الفضاء الخارجي في الأغراض السلمية معلومات مقدمة وفقا لاتفاقية تسجيل الأجسام المطلقة في الفضاء الخارجي رسالة مؤرخة 27 أيلول/سبتمبر 2000 موجهة الى الأمين العام من المستشار القانوني لوكالة الفضاء الأوروبية عملا باتفاقية تسجيل الأجسام المطلقة في الفضاء الخارجي* التي انضمت اليها وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية، يشرِّف الوكالة المذكورة أن تحيل اليه معلومات عن اطلاق ساتليها XMM وكلستر (Cluster) (أنظر المرفق). المرفق تسجيل الأجسام المطلقة في الفضاء الخارجي* ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ * قرار الجمعية العامة 3235 (د-29)، المرفق، المؤرخ 12 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 1974.