unity of command {admin.}
وحدة الأمر {إدارة}
related Results
condition (n.) , [pl. conditions] , {comp.}
أمر {كمبيوتر}
commandment (n.) , [pl. Commandments] , {comp.}
أمر {كمبيوتر}
enjoinder (n.) , [pl. enjoinders] , {comp.}
أمر {كمبيوتر}
to order (v.)
to throw or hit (v.) , {a ball to a teammate}
to insert in (v.)
to seek (v.)
ruler (n.) , {pol.}
آمِر {سياسة}
imperative (n.) , [pl. imperatives] , {comp.}
أمر {جمعه: أوَامِر}، {كمبيوتر}
commander (n.) , [pl. commanders] , {mil.}
آمر {جيش}
commandant (n.) , [pl. commandants]
to cause or permit to go past (v.) , {go through, get by}
to cause or allow to go (v.) , {move, proceed}