to throw {Wirt}
عَرَضَ {اقتصاد}
to throw {Bildung}
أَثَارَ {تعليم}
to throw [pl. throws] , {ing}
قذف {بِـ}
to throw
to throw {ing}
to throw {a party, concert, performance, etc.}
throw [pl. throws]
throw [pl. throws] , {ing}
throw [pl. throws] , {ing}
throw [pl. throws]
throw [pl. throws]
throw [pl. throws] , {Sport}
رماية {رياضة}
throw {clothing}
throw [pl. throws] , {ing}, {Sport}
طرح {رياضة}
throw {clothing}
throw {Sport}
إِسْقاط {رياضة}
throw {ind.}
حذفة {صناعة}
throw {arch.}
مرفق {هندسة}
throw {arch.}
throw {Geologie}
إزاحة رأسية {جيولوجيا}
throw {Med}
غِطاء {طب}