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نسخ متعدد

relevante Treffer
to supplant (v.)
to rescind (v.)
to copy (v.) , [ copied ; copied ]
to revoke (v.)
to repeal (v.)
copies (n.) , [sing. a copy]
to negate (v.)
to abolish (v.)
to annul (v.)
to invalidate (v.)
to xerox (v.) , [ xeroxed ; xeroxed ]
revocation (n.) , [pl. revocations]
to engross (v.) , [ engrossed ; engrossed ]
facsimiles (n.) , [sing. a facsimile]
to replace (v.)
transcription (n.) , [pl. transcriptions]
to write out (v.)
transcriptions (n.) , [sing. a transcription]