Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
مدى قرب

relevante Treffer
to attract (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to approximate (v.) , {to}
قَرِبَ {إلى}
approach (n.)
قُرْب {إلى}
along (adv.)
to sacrifice (v.)
to be near or close to (v.) , {come, get}
to offer up (v.)
to get near or close (v.) , {to}
vicinage (n.) , [pl. vicinages]
vicinity (n.) , [pl. vicinities]
by (prep.)
to present (v.)
to be near or close (v.) , {to}
to draw near or close (v.) , {to}
to come near or close (v.) , {to}