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ركض بعيدا

relevante Treffer
to jog (v.) , [ jogged ; jogged ] , {Sport}
ركض {رياضة}
to course (v.)
to fidget (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
jogging (n.) , {Sport}
رَكْض {رياضة}
to sprint (v.) , {Sport}
رَكَضَ {رياضة}
to run (v.)
to race (v.)
to rush (v.)
run (n.) , [pl. runs]
to passage (v.) , [ passaged ; passaged ]
running (n.) , [pl. runnings]
gallop (n.) , [pl. gallops]
to race (v.) , {with}
عُقْدَةُ الرَّكض {في الجسم المخطط عند الحيوانات}، {طب}
far (adj.) , [ farther/ further ; farthest/ furthest ]