Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
العنف الجنسي

relevante Treffer
ruthlessness (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
to strengthen (v.)
to be or become violent (v.) , {more}
to be fierce (v.) , {r}
to be harsh (v.) , {er}
force (n.) , [pl. forces] , {fulness}
to be severe (v.) , {r}
to upbraid (v.)
to reprove (v.)
to reprimand (v.)
to reprehend (v.)
to censure (v.)
to heighten (v.)
to chide (v.) , [ chid, chided, / chode ; chid, chided, / chidden ]
nonviolence (n.) , {mil.}
drasticness (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
to berate (v.)
to rebuke (v.)