moleskin {clothing}
فِرَاء حَيَوَان {الْخُلْد}
  • D.N.A. On the moleskin was a bust.
    لم نجد شيئاً على الحمض .النووي على فرو الخُلد
  • Given what we went through with the shell casing, there's a chance the moleskin's not even his.
    ،نظراً لما مررنا به مع غلاف الرصاص .هناك فرصة أنّ فرو الخُلد ليس له
  • He looked very good in his moleskins... and his little hat he had, and shearing his sheep.
    حقا ؟ ساعود الى هناك - حسنا -